Friday, December 18, 2009

Little S and Little GB

As promised, here are a few more pics of Little S as well as some of my Little GB. He is being quite the trooper. I think that he's getting more accepting of the factthat little sister is here. I can't wait until he can meet her and hold her. I am so thankful to have such wonderful children! (I'm still getting used to saying children instead of child). I am truly blessed!


Bry and Meliss said...

You really are lucky Kayla! I love the Beanie! Is that one from Jane? I'm sure she is going to keep your girl girly! :)

Jane said...

You changed your font on your blog!! Cute! Glad to see you managed to hold on to your sanity long enough to finish the process. Congratulations ;)Oh yeah, LOVE the beanies!